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Payments API

Payments API is a payment processing tool that allows businesses to accept and process online payments securely and efficiently. With this API, businesses can integrate payment processing functionalities into their websites, applications, and other software solutions.

It supports major payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, and digital wallets. It also provides features such as real-time payment processing, automatic currency conversion, and fraud prevention.

All charges request 3DS to cardholder’s bank by default.

Create a payment request


POST /v1/payments/

This endpoint builds a single secure billing page, based on the following parameters. Please note that you must direct the cardholder to a generated page, where they will enter payment method data. We will send the transaction response to return_url.


Parameter Description Type Required
amount Total amount to charge string true
description A description string true
currency A valid currency code ISO-2, for example USD, CAD, CRC. string true
items Name of product or service. It’s an informational label only. array true
return_url We’ll redirect to this url after payment, and id_payment is concatenated to the URL, so you can consult the transaction status. string true


curl '' \
    -X POST \
    -H 'authorization: bearer PdSKf04xi9LEcvcwIAdbWAXVg380Kz' \
    -F 'amount=500' \
    -F 'description=Some description here' \
    -F 'currency=usd' \
    -F 'items: ["Product name 1","Product name 2","Product name N"]'
    -F 'return_url:'


    "code": 202,
    "title": "Action required",
    "content": "Show the checkout page to complete payment.",
    "data": {
        "redirect": ""

Get a payment


GET /v1/payments/<id>

Consult this endpoint to get a transaction detail.

Get all payments


GET /v1/payments