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May 2024

  • Payments is now available in over 30 countries.
  • A new community forum has been launched to connect with other users.

March 2024

  • Charges API deprecated in favor of Payments API, which includes 3DS for all new payment intents by default.
  • New help documentation website.
  • New customer support packages available.

March 2023

  • (New) Products now comes with a shareable link to buy.
  • (New) Checkout page.
  • Partial or full refunds from the Console.
  • Browse into payments or refunds included in a payout.
  • Minor fixes and security improvements on WooCommerce plugin.
  • Now show the conversation rate (if exist) for a transaction, on Console.
  • (Deprecated) Payment links first generation are officially out of service.

January 2023

  • New! Payment link second generation, which allow to attach a product and customer.
  • 3D-Secure implementation on payment links.
  • Product management.
  • Customer management.
  • Wordpress plugin updated to collect customer more customer info.
  • 3D-Secure implementation on Wordpress plugin.
  • Better high-risk payment discovery and management.

October 2022

  • Console is now presented in English or Spanish.
  • Sidebar navigation rearranged.
  • Now it is possible to log in with the username or the email registered.
  • We create a filter on the available candidates by professional category, and you can also see more information on the CVs.
  • Payment Links are now shown by IDs on the table list.
  • Bank Account Number can be updated on Settings.

September 2022

  • The charges graph of the Dashboard is now displayed in each user’s default currency.
  • New currencies are now accepted for payments. Check the list of the new accepted countries with their respective currencies in the official documentation.
  • Minor UX improvements on Console settings section.
  • Plans can now be charged in multiple currencies.
  • Payment Links can now be charged in multiple currencies.

August 2022

  • Publish new service available: 4Geeks Talent.
  • Minor styles updates in Console.
  • Addition of new currencies in payment processing, from the list of countries allowed in 4Geeks Payments.
  • Able to cancel a Payment Link already created.